White Mountain Hearth: Tahoe Clean-Face Luxury 36
With its large ceramic glass window and clean-face design, this luxury direct-vent fireplace creates the illusion of a site-built fireplace, but offers the convenience and operating efficiency of a modern gas system. The traditional luxury clean-face fireplace is available in 36-inch and 42-inch models.
Tahoe Clean-Face Luxury fireplaces are heater rated, so they will mesmerize your friends and family as well as warm your room. Zone heating with a gas fireplace saves energy while warming the rooms you use most. The available blower helps circulate warm air more quickly.
Designed for in-wall installation, our Clean-Face Luxury models require just over 22 inches of depth. The venting connects to the top of the fireplace, but can run out the wall or up through the roof. Tile or other noncombustible material may be used to conceal the outer edge of the fireplace to create a true built-in system.
A fireplace barrier screen is included to help protect you and your family from inadvertently touching the hot glass.
These direct-vent fireplaces draw in fresh outside air to support combustion and exhaust combustion by-products to the outdoors. The 5 x 8 vent-within-a-vent isolates the incoming fresh air from the exhaust, yet still requires just a single hole through the wall or roof.
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